ROCKET SCIENCE. Smart initiatives for maximum effect.
In our quest to constantly create better solutions for our customers, it sometimes happens that we invest both time and resources to take good ideas to the next level. We call these initiatives Rocket Science.
Smart initiatives for maximum effect.
Unique solutions that take things to the next level
For specific industries, we have developed our own brands and databases that offer high conversion traffic at lower costs than comparable platforms. To save time, we have developed automated advertising systems that convert product pages on your website into complete ads on platforms such as Facebook and Google. And we have our own consumer insight team that conducts consumer research and trend research in selected industries.
VINKOMPASSEN. Sweden's most powerful database of wine buyers.
We have over 250,000 members gathered under brands such as Vinkompassen, Spritkompassen, and Allt om Vin and Di Vin in collaboration with Bonnier News. It gives us millions of data points that we, together with the members' wine preferences, use to match the right wine to the right consumer. Hence we can cost-effectively target campaigns via e-mail and on Social Media with content that matches the target group's interests. In short, relevant marketing at its best
VINBAROMETERN. The Nordic region's most comprehensive study of wine consumers' preferences.
The key to success in the wine market is to deeply understand how wine consumers' behaviors, needs, and preferences affect your chances of succeeding with your product. Since 2016, we have learned everything you need to know about the consumers' relationship to wine and can give you completely unique insights into what is required to achieve success in the market. Our surveys become tailor-made reports and decision materials for your next step. Do you want to go deeper and know more? No problem, we can create tailored research and insights for you with everything from brand trackers to design tests.
HITTAHEM. One of Sweden's strongest brands in housing.
HittaHem is the service that helps you in your housing business. We have been helping people find their homes since 2012, thereby building a unique database of hundreds of thousands of active housing speculators. Based on user data and customer needs, we help stakeholders in the housing market to find each other, and we are now developing new exciting services that will be presented in 2022.
AdRocket. Ett helt automatiserat annonssystem som skapar 6000 annonser i månaden.
AdRocket is a fully automated advertising system that enables large-scale and high-quality advertising in social media and Google. Via technical integrations to customers and advertising platforms, we can automatically download material and create and publish ads without the need for manual work. We combine our unique technology with expertise in digital marketing and provide our customers with a high-quality and cost-effective service.
AdRocket. A fully automated advertising system that creates 6,000 ads a month.
Vi vill bara säga hej. Och försäkra oss om att du har koll på vad den senaste förändringen i IOS 14 innebär för dina sociala initiativ? Om inte, hör av dig så berättar vi mer.
We just want to say hello. And make sure you know what the latest change in iOS 14 means for your social initiatives? If not, get in touch and we'll tell you more.
FRIGÖR DIN SOCIALA POTENTIAL med nordens mest erfarna team för konverterande social annonsering.